Monday, May 23, 2011

Alternate Indentity: Injured Person

For my Alternate Identity project, I was an injured person. The way I did my cast was that I got a band that is used for an arm injury and I put it on my hand and around my neck. It started on Sunday Morning and it ends on Tuesday morning because it has to last for 48 hours. This project took place at my house and at school. On Sunday, my day went as usual. We got up to go to church and then breakfast and the rest of the day I spent it at home. During the day, I encountered some problems that I knew required two hands to complete. I overcame those problems but it took quite some time. On Monday, which is today, I also had some difficulties in my classes and going in the shower. Here are the problems I developed: SUNDAY
Driving was hard becuase you need both hands on the wheel and to use the turn signal, I need my left hand and I had to reach with my right hand to pull the lever.
Sweeping is another hard task becuase you need both hands to sweep properly. I completed the task but it was left messy in the room.

Washing the dishes was among the most hard to complete. I only completed about 50% of the dishes becuase the ones that had the hardest stains where hard to clean.

Doing home work on the computer took quite some time to complete becuase I was only using one hand instead of two.

At the end of the day, I was folidng my clothes to come back to UCSB. The folding was difficult because I am used to doing it with both hands. It wasnt neatly folded.

In the morning, I had to put this bag over my cast to so it couldn't get wet when I got in the shower. I had to let the water hit my hand but it was ok becuase the water was hitting the bag and not the cast.
The most hardest things to do when you only have one hand available it to tie your shoes. I tried to tie them but it was useless and I just tucked the shoe laces inside my shoe.

  My class notes were very messy. I am used to writing neat and since I write with my left hand and that was the one broken, I had to use my right hand to write. It took a while and it came out messy.

Overall, this project got me thinking on people who do wear a cast becuase of an injury and wear it for along time. I had trouble with these everyday activities and I highly respect them for their hard work they must put in everyday to accomplish these simple tasks. Now I have to go another night with my cast on and take it off in the morning.

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