Friday, May 27, 2011

Free Write: Wedding

For this free write, I want to talk about my parents wedding which took place last year. My parents have been married for over 20 years and wanted to have a big church wedding. They got their wish and had one. The ceremony took place on a Friday but the party was on Saturday. The Friday we all woke up early in the morning and got nicely dressed. My mom put on her wedding dress and she looked absolutely beautiful. We got in our cars and along with other members of the family, we went to the church. I was so happy because my parents were happy. After the ceremony we headed home and had a barbecue for those who attended.  At night, we headed over to the place where the party was going to take place to set up all the decorations. In the morning, now Saturday, the food started to arrive to the place. We set up the final decorations and family from out of town was beginning to arrive. We hadn’t seen them in a long time and we had catching up to do. We all got dressed and headed over to the party. There was a bouncy house for the kids and we all danced inside. The food was good and the music was as well. We danced and just had fun. At the end of the night we cleaned up and headed home. This was a day I will never forget.

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