This is my mom as she starts her day working on Saturday. She wakes up and gets ready to receive the kids. She starts off with a smile as always and ready to see what challenges lie ahead. This is at 7:30am
After lunch time, the kids go outside and play for a while before nap time. They are under the supervision of my dad and brother. My mom stays inside and cleans up after them. She does the dishes and organizes the kitchen and living room. This is at 12:30pm.
In the afternoon, after the kids have ate dinner, they play outside and my mom watches over them. The parents begin to arrive during this time. My mom watches over them making sure they are safe. She looks at them carefully. She ends the day with a shower and enjoying family time. This is at 5:45pm
Sunday morning comes around and this is rest day. The whole family wakes up for church. My mother begins by getting up and waking up the family and getting ready herself. She puts on her Sunday clothes and make-up to start off this day. This is at 8:10am
After church and breakfast, we go to the store. Here we see my mom at the store looking for new toys to buy to the kids. She is relaxed here because this is a different environment than home. She takes her time because she wants to buy educational toys. This is at 12:00pm
At the end of the day, we head over to the store to buy food for the week. My family comes along as well. My mom takes her time her aswell becuase she wants to take what we need. She finds the food and we leave the store. This is at 6:30pmThe point of this project was tp show how a woking day and resting day differ from each other. As we can see, they differ alot in style and environment. These photos were taken on Saturday and Sunday. My mom works hard on Saturday and relaxes on Sunday.
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