Saturday, April 9, 2011

Comics Response: Chs 3 and 4

The main point the author makes in chapter 3 was to help us understand the meaning of scene changes in comics. The scenes in comics help us see what is happening in the story. The author also talks about how our mind can figure out a particular situation even when it is still. We can figure out what is missing or what comes next. We make a picture come alive in our mind. This is very true because when I see a missing piece of some sort of shape, I can easily see what the shape would be or what comes next after a movie like the credits. Most comic artists use the method of Action to Action in their work. This means that they show pure action and little talking. Mostly this method is used with superhero comics books where most of the time they are saving lives and fighting crime. The author also talks about how a big story and be cut down to a smaller one and still have the same message. This is true because in most stories, some of the information is useless and not connected with the main message. Overall this chapter gave me a better understanding of scenes change and their meaning.                                            The main point of Chapter 4 is to show us how time is embedded within a comic and what it tells us about the story. The author talks about how size and space between panels tell time. If the panel is long then we know the time within that panels is long too. The space also tells us the amount of time passed. If the space is long, then quite some time has passed between the two scenes. This is amazing because I never knew this about the scenes within a comic. The author also mentions how we can see the past and future in a single page of comics. This is true because if we stopped reading in the middle and look back, we see the past, and if we see to the end, we see the future. He also mentions how motion got put in to comics by a series of lines. This section reminds me of my photo class back in high school were our teacher showed us to make motion appear in a photograph. He showed us his techniques and we had to go out and put them to the test. I had successful photographs. Overall this chapter was fascinating because it showed me how time is shown in comics.

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